As a responsible business that processes and stores customer data, we have written this policy to coincide with the new GDPR rules brought in on May 25th 2018. In this policy, we will outline our methods for gathering and storing your personal data as well as explain the limited sharing of your data with our third-party partners.

  1. Definitions

Phrase / Definition

GDPR: General Data Protection Regulation. A new regulation brought in by the European Union to protect the data of EU citizens and to regulate the gathering and storing of personal data

Data: Any information that we store about you

Explicit Consent: A clear way to opt into anything related to your data

IP Address: A unique string of numbers separated by full stops that identifies each computer using

Cookies: A packet of data sent by an Internet server to a browser, which is returned by the browser each time it subsequently accesses the same server, used to identify the user or track their access to the server

Third-Party Partner: A company or service that we share your data with or have access to your data

Exhaustive List: A complete list

Data Processor: A person who processes your data

Data Controller: A person who oversees the collection and storage of your data

2.       Responsible Data Processing 

At Little Wrens Nest we are proud to process your data responsibly. We believe it is important for you to understand who, what, where, when and why we process your data, so we have broken this information down into those very questions. 

i.      Who collects your data?
Only fully trained members of staff at Little Wrens Nest will process your data. We have appointed Data Processors and Data Controllers. A Data Processor is someone who will take your information and process it into our systems. A Data Controller is someone who acts as an administrator, is responsible for the overall data collection process and assures that your data is always protected.

ii.      What is your data? We collect a range of information from our customers. Some is general such as your basic contact information. What we collect usually depends on what you are trying to do with us. Below is a list of the most common data we collect but you can request an exhaustive list of what we collect by emailing

Email Address
Telephone Number
Shipping Address
Billing Address
Order Details
IP Address
Device and Browser Information

 iii.      Where do we collect your data? We collect your data online through the Little Wrens Nest website.

 iv.      When do we collect your data? We collect different pieces of data at different times. For example one of our third-party services collects anonymised information about your movements on our website as soon as you arrive. But most of the data we collect from you is as part of the purchase process online. We may also be in touch at a later date to get more information from you regarding your order.

 v.      Why do we collect your data? As with any online retailer, the primary cause for collecting your data is to process your order, payment and delivery. We also collect data for marketing purposes. You can opt out of this at any time.

Royal Mail

Names, Addresses, Telephone Numbers, Email addresses,

Delivery of Goods

Other Couriers

Names, Addresses, Telephone Numbers, Email addresses,

Delivery of Goods

Payment Platforms (Stripe / Paypal)

Card Details, Names, Addresses

Payment Provider 

5.       Your Rights

According to the Information Commissioners Office, the GDPR rules are there to protect you and your data. They list 7 key rights for individuals; we have listed them below with a little more explanation for each and what it means for you at Little Wrens Nest. 

   i.      The right to be informed

This means that you have the right to fully understand our data collection, processing and storage processes. These are outlined in sections 2 and 3 of this document.

   ii.      The right of access

This means that you have the right to access all the data we have stored about you. You can access this information by emailing us at, we will respond with a complete report of your data within 30 days.

  iii.      The right to rectification

This means that you have the right to correct any incorrect data that we have stored about you. You can request these be made by emailing, we will respond within 30 days.

  iv.      The right to erasure

This means that you have the right to request that we remove the data that we have about you from our systems and those belonging to our third-party partners. You can request this by emailing, we will respond within 30 days.

    v.      The right to restrict processing

This right allows you to restrict the use of your data, for example if we are unable to delete your data as in section 5. iv, you can still restrict how we use it, such as preventing us from using it for marketing activity. You can request that we restrict the use of your data by emailing, we will respond within 30 days.

    vi.      The right to data portability

This means that you have the right to request a report of your data from us to pass on to another company/third party. There is no standard format for these reports so you may need to edit it to conform to this new party. Once you request a data porting report we will delete your information (if possible) after 90 days. You can request a Data Porting report by emailing


We at Little Wrens Nest are committed to preserving the privacy of all visitors to the site. Please read the following privacy policy to understand how we use and protect the information that you provide to us. When you use us to order products from this website you may submit personal information to us. We may also collect information about your usage of the website as well as information about you from messages you post to the website and e-mails or letters you send to us. We will hold your personal information securely and use it only in compliance with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) laws. We will use your personal information to provide you with the information and services you request. We may also use your information to let you know about other products and services which we offer which may be of interest to you. If you do not want us to contact you in the future please let us know by writing to us at Little Wrens Nest, 31 West Street, Godmanchester, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, PE29 2HG or emailing us at or by using the unsubscribe button at the bottom of your email. For more information on how we use and store your data, you can read our Data Gathering and Storage Policy.

Unless required to do so by law, we will not otherwise share, sell or distribute any of the personal information you provide to us without your consent. We will not disclose personal information to a third party for their marketing purposes. We may from time to time ask you to fill in questionnaires in relation to your personal interests etc. In using the site you accept that your personal data may be used for such purposes. In accordance with the GDPR laws you are entitled to see the information held about you and you may ask us to make any necessary changes to ensure that it is accurate and kept up to date. If you wish to do this, please write to us at Little Wrens Nest, 31 West Street, Godmanchester, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, PE29 2HG or email us at You are entitled to review, edit or request deletion of your information without any charge, you are entitled to a response from us within 30 days of your request, you can read more information in our Data Gathering and Storage Policy.

When you visit this website we may issue a "cookie" to your computer. This is a small program that allows us to identify your computer. Information collected in this way is used to monitor website use and may be used to personalise the content of the site for you. The cookie alone contains no information which can identify you personally. You are able to set up your computer to refuse to accept cookies. If you do not wish to receive cookies in the future, please let us know. Little Wrens Nest reserves the right to change this policy at any time. If any changes are made an updated version will be posted on this page.

If you have any questions regarding this policy please write to us at Little Wrens Nest, 31 West Street, Godmanchester, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, PE29 2HG or email us at


You should be aware that when you use our websites, mobile sites or apps, to improve your user experience, we may collect information using 'cookies'.


Cookies are tiny files that your computer (or mobile device/tablet) downloads when you visit a website. When you visit the website again, your web browser sends these files back to the site so it can recognise you and keep your settings, make the site run smoother, allow increased functionality and uniquely tailor the experience. Cookies cannot see what's on your computer, nor can they install programs or viruses. Uses for cookies fall into 4 main groups:


Certain cookies are required for you to be able to use the website correctly. Examples of essential cookie functions include:
- The website remembering what items are in your shopping basket
- Being able to stay logged into your account while browsing different pages of the website


To keep our content up-to-date, relevant, and to be able to present our website the best we can to suit our customers’ desires, we like to track how traffic flows through the site. This also helps us become aware of any errors or missing pages. This information is anonymous and the data is not read on an individual basis, we look for patterns in the statistics of all our site visitors as a group. Analytical cookies track the time spent on our site, the path taken through it and where you were referred from. These do not collect specific, personal information about you, they only detect general behaviour patterns of our customer-base as a whole. Analytical cookies could also be used to notify affiliate sites as to where visitors were referred from. Our website may advertise products and services of another company; by clicking a link through to this third-party site, cookies can be used to track the visitors we refer and their activity. If you choose to receive marketing emails from us we could track these to gain an idea of what our customers want to see and of any technical or compatibity issues that may be arising. The only information that is monitored is how many times you opened the email and clicked links within it and what those links were. This information can only be identified to you by data that you have previously chosen to give us and that you have already said we can use for marketing purposes. We do not use emails or cookies to collect personal information on you, the only identifying factors we have are details that you have opted to input into our website. This data is not shared with any other companies.


Some cookies allow the website to remember choices and options you may have selected, for example:
- Language selection 
- Remembering if you have opted in/out of emails
- Selecting a specific mobile-optimised template
- Remembering if you've previously completed forms so you're not asked to do it again
- Identifying if it's your first visit to the site, some content may only be available to regular visitors
- Keeping certain products and information you see relevant to you


We might use cookies for advertising purposes. In this case, cookies could be used for the following examples: 
- To tailor the relevance of the adverts you see
- To restrict the amount of times you see the same advertising content
- To segment our customers into groups of similar interests so we can provide a more suitable experience for you. We could also advertise our own products and services with OBA using cookies in the way mentioned above. An example of OBA: You may have visited a website to purchase a car and selected certain criteria - (Make, Model, Engine Size, Colour) and your computer receives a cookie from this website. If that same car company advertises on one of our websites and gives you another cookie they can recognise that you have previously visited their site and tailor advertising towards the type of vehicle that you were previously interested in. This OBA activity does not collect personal data and uses only records of your browsing history on that specific site to adapt future content towards your interests. Cookies can only be accessed by yourself and the website that placed them on your computer (or other internet browsing device). The data collected is anonymous, even if you are logged into one of our websites. We do not sell any of your data or information on behavioural patterns to other companies and we keep all insight we gain through the use of cookies private.


In your browser settings you can see and delete active cookies. You can also set your browser to not allow cookies, please note that this will reduce functionality and potentially stop a website from working. Most browsers give the option to block cookies from specific websites or from third parties so you can ensure that you only accept them from websites you trust. The links below give information on cookie settings for specific web browsers.

Internet Explorer -

Firefox -

Google Chrome -

Safari OSX & iOS (iPhone) -

Android Phones / Tablets -


Cookies used in email marketing will only affect you if you have subscribed to our email updates. To unsubscribe from our database click the link titled "Manage Your Subscription" at the bottom of any marketing email from us.


Third-party solutions are available to override cookies such as those affecting OBA. Please note that these solutions are cookies themselves so if using this method you cannot also delete cookies in your browser.

Google offers its own Opt-out plugin for Chrome, Internet Explorer and Firefox -


The only external tool we use to measure site traffic and behaviour is Google Analytics.
To Opt out of Google Analytics please visit